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「Good News Is Bad News」

昨年12月にリリースしたミニアルバム「Tourist」から約1年ぶりとなる今作品「Good News Is Bad News」は、Tシャツに3曲の音源を収録したCD-Rを付けて、ライブ会場限定でリリースする。過去に8cmシングル、レコード、USBなど様々な形態でリリースをしてきたヘルシンキがTシャツをメインにしてリリースする理由は、メンバーが一目惚れしたイラストレーターのCristina Dauraに面識もないのに発注したところ、まさかの快諾してくれたことがきっかけとなる。彼女はスペインのバルセロナを中心に活動しているが、DAN DEACON やEzra Furmanなどのアートワークも手掛けており、世界的に活躍しているイラストレーターである。



今作品のリリースを記念して、全国8ヶ所を周る「Good News Is Bad News」release tour ”Good News For You"の開催も決定。2020年2月15日(土)福岡grafを皮切りに仙台、札幌、金沢、新潟、名古屋、大阪、そして渋谷CLUB QUATTROがツアーファイナルとなり、ツアー会場で音源付きTシャツの販売を開始する。

12月11日(水)にはApple Music、Spotify、LINE MUSIC、AWAなどの各ストリーミングサービスにて「Good News Is Bad News」収録の3曲が配信スタート。

今作は原点回帰とも言えるロックンロールリバイバルに影響を受けた初期のヘルシンキが垣間見えつつも、バンドを続けてきた今だからこそ鳴らせるサウンドに仕上がった。人はそれを成長、または進化と呼ぶらしい。M1「Good News Is Bad News」はThe Strokesとか2000年代初頭のあの感じ。ギターは1本のみというシンプルな潔さにより、メロディとグルーヴが浮き立つ。M2「Debora」はとにかく転調が気持ちよい。後半の「橋本って人バカなのかな?」っていう展開に飲んでるお茶を噴き出してほしい。M3はデビュー前の自主制作盤に収録されている「KIDS」を熊谷(Gt.)主導でリアレンジし、ドラムとベースのファンキーなリズム隊に注目。


Helsinki Lambda Club returns with new music in nearly a year since their mini album “Tourist” - “Good News Is Bad News” will be released as a 3-song CD-R packaged with a T-shirt which will be available only at live shows. The reason why Helsinki (who have released their music in various forms such as 8cm singles, records, USBs, etc.) will be releasing their music through T-shirts, is because of their love and respect for Barcelona-located illustrator Christina Daura. The members reached out to her to ask if they could collaborate on creating products, and although they had never met, she graciously agreed. Christina is globally known for her artwork created for people like DAN DEACON and Ezra Furman.

In commemoration of the release of “Good News Is Bad News”, an 8-show national release tour “Good News For You” was announced as well. Starting February 15th, 2020 (Sat), Helsinki Lambda Club will kick off the tour at Fukuoka graf, travelling through Sendai, Sapporo, Kanazawa, Niigata, Nagoya, Osaka, and ending the tour at Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO. The CD-including T-shirts will be sold at these tour venues.

On December 11th (Friday), the 3 songs included in “Good News Is Bad News” will be distributed on streaming services such as Apple Music, Spotify, LINE MUSIC, and AWA.

The songs heavily reference the band’s original “rock and roll revival” sound, returning to their roots but also expanding their musicality in a way that is only possible because of the journey they have taken so far as a band. Some may call that “maturity”, and others may call it “evolution”. M1 “Good News Is Bad News” is reminiscent of The Strokes and guitar rock of the early 2000s, where the memorable melody and strong grooves are made possible because of the simplicity of using only a single guitar. The key change in M2 “Debora” is especially a feel-good moment, and the unexpected latter half of the song is intended to make the listener spit out their tea (by laughing too much, of course) and ask, “What on earth is Hashimoto doing?” M3 is a new take on "KIDS", a song recorded on their independently produced pre-debut CD, rearranged with Kumagai (Gt.) as the lead, and more attention focused on the funky drums and bass.

Comments from Kaoru Hashimoto (Vo./Gt.)


Hello everyone.

In 2019, Helsinki Lambda Club spent the year scattering good music at live venues, but this will be the first time we will be making an announcement about new music.

We’re taking a step away from our “1st” series, but we’ll still be trying out something “new”. This time, we’ll be touring with a project where the T-shirt is the main product, and the music is packaged as an attachment. It’s pretty common for a T-shirt to come as a bonus with the music, but we consider our new project to be a “single package”, where the T-shirt is also a part of our finished creation. This T-shirt is incredibly special to us, thanks to Christina Daura, a Spanish artist whose creations I immediately fell in love with after coming across them by chance, for creating the design through discussions with us on the music and artistic concepts. Nowadays the significance of CDs has faded, but I think it’s a good opportunity for bands to rethink how they deliver their music to the world. That's why last year, we released a creation called “Tourist”, which was heavily focused on the album art. This time however, we decided to create something that had an even stronger cultural crossover, incorporating music, art and fashion into one project.

To briefly explain the music, personally I think it ended up being highly synched to how we currently are as a band and as people, in terms of the sound being relaxed and laid back but with a strong groove. For me, this is a prequel to the next music I’ll be creating, but at the same time taking a new approach on our older and more original sounds, and incorporating the changes in ideologies and technical skills within the band, allowing for a naturally unique and modern “Helsinki” sound. Hopefully people who liked our old music and new music will both be able to enjoy the songs –although this is something that I tend to think for all the music that we put out.

We’ve also announced a national tour to commemorate the release, so if you've been a fan of the band since a long time ago but haven’t been to our live performances recently, or if you just started listening to our music and have never seen us live, we’d be honored to see you at our shows. Bands are truly strange things, and change quite a bit even if you haven’t seen them in just a short period of time. As for Helsinki, I personally think we’ve become something very interesting –although you’d have to see for yourself.

Of course, all of this is would be up for discussion after the music becomes available, so we’re putting the music on streaming services for people who might ask “Hey, what has Helsinki been up to recently?”, or for those who want to enjoy only the songs. My wish is to be able to have fun through music for many years to come, and I hope you do too.

Kaoru Hashimoto



アーティスト:Helsinki Lambda Club

タイトル:Good News Is Bad News


※ダウンロード&ストリーミング、itunes / Apple Music / Spotify / LINE MUSIC etc…



レーベル:Hamsterdam Records / UK.PROJECT


1. Good News Is Bad News

2. Debora




Helsinki Lambda Club「Good News Is Bad News」release tour

”Good News For You"

料金:前売り 3,300円(税込・ドリンク代別途) 


福岡・仙台・札幌・金沢・新潟公演 12/21(土)

名古屋・大阪・東京公演 1/25(土)



開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00


問い合わせ:BEA 092-712-4221


開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00


問い合わせ:ニュースプロモーション 022-266-7555

2/29 (土)札幌COLONY

開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00

ゲスト:No Buses

問い合わせ:エイティーフィールド 03-5712-5227

3/7(土)金沢GOLD CREEK

開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00

ゲスト:No Buses

問い合わせ:FOB金沢 076-232-2424


開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00

ゲスト:No Buses

問い合わせ:FOB新潟 025-229-5000

3/14(土)名古屋APOLLO BASE

開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00


問い合わせ:エイティーフィールド 03-5712-5227


開場 17:30 / 開演 18:00


問い合わせ:清水音泉 06-6357-3666

3/20(金祝)渋谷CLUB QUATTRO

開場 17:00 / 開演 18:00


問い合わせ:エイティーフィールド 03-5712-5227

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